BookFest for Schools 2022 is complete!
Share your children's maps, storyboards and pictures on Facebook and Twitter! #BookFestforSchools
Have fun enjoying our brilliant author videos - and don't forget you can find activity ideas, templates and worksheets in the free downloadable learning pack below.
Friday 4th March
Two shorter videos for younger readers
Storyboarding with illustrator Tor Freeman
Learn how to plot stories with illustrator Tor Freeman - then make your own cartoons! Tor's worksheet can be found in the downloadable Learning Resources Pack. Don't forget to have a pen, paper and scissors ready so you can join in!
Story Clues with Lucy Walters
Lucy Walters is a TV presenter and professional storyteller. Use the clues to work out a famous story and pick up some top tips about creating characters. Suitable for Years 1 and 2.
Thursday 3rd March
Happy World Book Day!
Rumble with the Romans and cartoonist Gary Northfield
Celebrate World Book Day with this caper through Roman times. Join Julius Zebra and his animal friends who have been taken captive to entertain audiences in the Coliseum, as they fight back and become celebrity gladiators themselves! Funny and enjoyable, with plenty of historical facts sprinkled in. Get your paper and pencil ready, so you can draw along and create Julius Zebra too. Gary is a cartoonist for Phoenix comics, Horrible Histories magazine and Beano - plus several books - and he's got lots of tips for making your own comics.
Wednesday 2nd March
Fantasy Maps and Robots with Vashti Hardy
Create fantasy maps, adventurous quests, and dream up your perfect robot pet! Vashti Hardy - who wrote WildSpark, BrightStorm and the Harley Hitch books - has 5 tips for all young storymakers in this interactive video. Don't forget to have paper and a pen ready before you start!
Tuesday 1st March
Poetry Masterclass with champion spoken word poet Zohab Zee Khan
What is a poem? What's it for? And can anyone write one? Champion poet Zohab was a shy boy who discovered self-expression through poetry - and he's joining BookFest for Schools to inspire kids to do the same. You'll be writing your own haikus, free verse and acrostic poems in no time!
Monday 28th February
Dinosaurs in Space! with Astrosaurs author Steve Cole
Meet the Astrosaurs, with bestselling author Steve Cole. Imagine the dinosaurs didn't die when the astroid struck....that they were far more evolved than we ever imagined and escaped to space, where the herbivores and carnivores are policed by....the Astrosaurs! A funny and entertaining show about how to think up brilliant stories. Join in the chorus of Steve's ukelele song! Don't forget to turn on the subtitles, by clicking on the white CC button.
Maximise the learning and fun pupils get from our BookFest for Schools Programme with these activities and worksheets. Created by festival director Sarah Mullen and designed in a print-friendly format by Pete Brown.
Learning Resources Pack
You can find all the BookFest for Schools 2021 videos here.
Videography and editing all by Smallfry Productions.